Author Archives: Dave Montizambert

Available Light Portrait Light

Just finished up a “Lumiere Espresso” coffee shop meet in Coimbra Portugal. It was well attended by some local photographers and was pretty dynamic with lots of discussions on photography. I started the session talking about lighting people since the…

North-Light Window-Light

In this absolutely fascinating article, Dave Montizambert exposes the mystique behind studio North Light for portraits and tells you how to get that light quality using artificial lighting which he points out can be done any time of day, without…

Mirrorless Miracle

I am very excited about my new 42MP Sony A7rII mirrorless camera. Years of straining my eyes to manual focus has left me a wee bit blind in my right eye. About 15 years ago without knowing it, I switched…

DIY—Overhead Photography Lighting Rig

When I do top-lighting in-studio, whether it is an octa-box or soft-box placed over top of a person or a soft-box or panel placed over an object, I place the light on a boom arm to get it up and…

Lighting A Dark Shiny Automobile

In this article Dave shows you how to light a black vintage sports car——includes full lighting description as well as lighting diagram and how to inexpensively create huge light sources for lighting large shiny objects like automobiles.   Read Article—Click…

Painting With Light Traditionally and Digitally – Part 4

This video tutorial revolves a little tabletop still-life of a desk work area. From this session you will see how to light a highly reflective chromium object and how to use digital-light-painting to speed up and simplify the process.

How-to Evenly Light Groups of People

This lighting-for-photography video teaches you one of the most important controls for lighting larger groups of people and/or larger spaces. Lighting larger groups and spaces often leads to disappointing results due to light fall-off, Dave Montizambert delves into a very…

Photographers Should Model

Don Macgregor’s Image Exploration 2015 at Shawnigan Lake BC (PPA affiliate school) was a great experience for me—I was asked to give a 3 hour lighting lecture to open the next 4.5 days of workshops, I was scheduled in to…

Photoshop Impressionism

Learn how to create painterly effects, selective sharpening, and film grain with Photoshop in this article. Read Article—Click Here

High-Speed Digital-Shutter-Sync

  I had an interesting conversation with Mathew Frazer of Panasonic awhile back, while showing me the Lumix GH3 he mentioned that this 16MP camera had a very cool feature, you can shut the mechanical shutter off when shooting stills!…